What are Nutrients? Full Information Including Name And Complete Details. READ MORE

What are Nutrients? Full Information Including Name And Complete Details. READ MORE

What are nutrients?- We all know how important nutrients are for our body. Our body is nothing without nutrients. The way we take food, in the same way we take our nutrients through food. We want to strengthen every activity inside our body in every way, for which nutrients should be complete in our body.

    We will not be able to do anything until the nutrients are not complete in our body. There will be no strength in our body. It is necessary to have energy to run everything in the body, which we get from nutrients only. Nutrients are not only for our body but all the living beings in the world need nutrients to function.

   And the machines made by the person, they also need energy, their nutrients are fulfilled by diesel, petrol etc. Let us see what are the nutrients.

What are nutrients?

   Seeing what we have read so far, you must have understood that what are nutrients and why they are useful. Let us know this again - To maintain the energy of the body, we take different types of food, whether we eat vegetarian food or eat non-vegetarian food, we need to remove the nutritional deficiency of our body. Organisms complete their nutrition by eating green leaves and grass and green trees and plants complete their nutrient deficiency by completing the process of photosynthesis.

Nutrients in a way are chemicals which help in carrying out the reactions of the body. By taking nutrients, we get energy, due to which all the functions of our body work. They build tissues from blood to our body, and the body remains healthy. We take nutrients from food in the form of fats, proteins and carbohydrates etc. These are some organic elements (Chemical compound), talk about inorganic elements in which mineral salts and water come.

Our body is incomplete until there are nutrients in our body. It contains micronutrients and macronutrients. In view of the need of nutrients, many types of protein minerals and medicines are also coming in the market these days, which are removing the deficiency of nutrients. Nutrients not only make a man mentally strong but also physically, behaviorally and functionally.

What is nutrition?

In simple language, the intake of food or nutrients by us is called nutrition. We distribute the nutrients in two parts. Which is like this example – autotrophs and heterotrophs etc.

• Autotrophs

Those organisms come in auto nutrition, which make their own food. These organisms manufacture their food in the presence of photosynthesis and make their own food, they are called autotrophic organisms and completion of this process is called autotrophic. Example – Euglena which is a unicellular organism, and green tree plants.

• Heterotrophs

Heterotrophs do not manufacture their own food, these organisms or animals depend on others, they cannot make their own food by the process of photosynthesis like autotrophs, they are called host organisms. Some examples of host organisms are as follows – frog, human (animal) and amoeba. All these are host animals.

We divide Nutrients into 6 types –

  1. Fat 
  2. Minerals 
  3. Protein 
  4. Carbohydrates 
  5. Water 
  6. Vitamins


First of all, what is fat, fat is a mixture of oxygen, hydrogen and oxygen. which we call fat. In a way, we can also call fat as oil, the accumulation of fat in our body is in the form of fat, that is, we also call fat as fat. Fat is very smooth, if we dissolve fat in water, it will not dissolve, that is, it is insoluble. We take fat from food, we get energy from it.

Fat makes food tasty to us, but its excess can also be harmful to our body, it accumulates in the body in the form of fat. We can take fat in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian form. Some examples of fats are as follows – ghee, milk, oil, butter, cheese, meat, eggs and fish etc. all of these have a lot of fat in them.


Mineral salts also come inside the nutrients in our body. They make up 4 to 5% of the total weight of our body (BODY) by themselves. Minerals are found in small amounts in the body, which are found in approximately 20 types in the form of ions. We also call minerals by the name of micronutrients. It is essential to have minerals in our body, their deficiency will cause side effects in the functioning of the body. We get the minerals in the body through food.


Proteins undergo hydrolysis to give amino acids. Being complex, we can also call them complex organic matter. Proteins are a type of amino acid, that is, they are made of amino acids. There are 20 types of amino acids found in the body which are engaged in different activities. Proteins are very important for our body. Due to their deficiency, the functions in the body are not done smoothly. There are many types of hormones in the body which do not function properly, they depend on these amino acids.

Proteins help in building the cells of the body, in repairing them, as well as keeping the movement of the body constant, proteins take out the toxins of the body, which keeps the body healthy. It allows or destroys the entry of virus like virus and bacteria in the body. Protein has many benefits in the body, protein strengthens bones, Getting oxygen, increasing immunity, controlling hormones in the body, etc. are many such benefits of protein. Now we also know how we get protein like- from soyabean, curd, eggs, almonds, oats, fish oil etc.


As you would know that energy is needed to do any work, in the same way our body also needs energy to work, which we get from carbohydrates only. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, which we get from the food we eat. It is made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Due to its deficiency, the body also has side effects, due to its deficiency, the weight of the body decreases.

Due to which there is a feeling of tiredness while working, but due to its excess, there is an excess of body weight, and obesity-related diseases start to occur. We get our carbohydrates from the food we eat. Some examples are milk, sugar, fruits, soyabean, peas, rice, vegetables, whole grains, etc.


Water also acts as a nutrient. Digestion of the food we eat happens only through water, water plays an important role in our body, it plays a very important role in controlling body temperature, removing harmful substances (toxins) from the body and building many cells. provides. Nutrients of the body such as glucose, minerals and vitamins flow only through water.


Simply put, vitamins are an important part of our body. We also call vitamins as organic compounds. Vitamins provide immunity to the human body to fight against diseases. They protect our body in a way, they are necessary for the metabolic chemical processes of the body. We take vitamins from foods such as milk, cereals, groundnuts, meat etc. There are 6 types of vitamins. 

Like- Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K etc.

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